**''''** '' == '' The language code. The language code and its value are read into the program at its start from the Stock List file.  The values and their meanings are at present: |**''N''** |Default| |**''E''** |English| |**''G''** |German| |**''H''** |Hungarian| |**''P''** |Polish| |**''F''** |French| |**''NL''** |Dutch| The default language defines the text for those languages, for which a translation is missing. Therefore the English text is often given as the default translation instead of the English one. There is a built-in dialog window for translating the texts, nevertheless to translate the program texts and several other texts contained in the stock list (label tree, technical data category, value set names, free descriptive texts) is a big work. If you would like to translate the program texts into another language or extend an existing, but incomplete translation, please contact the author to receive a new language code and to coordinate the work.