**''M=PUSH;''**\\ **''M=TERMINUS_DEPART;''** \\ **''M=M13;''** A shunting locomotive pushes a train into a terminus and leaves the train there while it departs the screen.  A road locomotive backs on the screen and couples to the train and the entire unit then departs in the direction from whence the road locomotive came. For trains arriving into a terminus, please use the **''[[mback|M=BACK;]]''** or **''[[mhead|M=HEAD;]]''** Movement. |**''TB''** ''= [[waittime|]];'' |Waiting time and actions before the train enters the screen.| |**''C''** ''= [[train|]];'' |The train without the shunting or the road locomotive.| |**''C1''** ''= [[train|]];'' |The shunting locomotive.| |**''D''** ''= [[direction|]];'' |Direction from which the train is pushed into the terminus.| |**''V1''** ''= [[geschwindigkeit|]];'' |Speed which the train and shunting locomotive enter the screen.| |**''B1''** ''= [[deceleration|]];'' |Deceleration rate of the train and shunting locomotive as they stop..| |**''P''** ''= [[place|]];'' |Place where the train and shunting locomotive **''C''**, **''C1''** come to a stop.| |**''T1''** ''= [[waittime|]];'' |Duration of time and animations called (if any) between the time the train **''C''**, **''C1''** comes to a halt and the departure of the shunting locomotive **''C1''**.| |**''A2''** ''= [[acceleration|]];'' |Rate of acceleration of the shunting locomotive as it departs.| |**''V2''** ''= [[geschwindigkeit|]];'' |Top speed of the shunting locomotive as it leaves the screen.| |**''T2''** ''= [[waittime|]];'' |Duration of time and animations called (if any) between the time that the shunting locomotive **''C1''** disappears and the appearance of the road locomotive **''C2''**.| |**''C2''** ''= [[train|]];'' |The road locomotive for the train.| |**''V3''** ''= [[geschwindigkeit|]];'' |Speed of the road locomotive **''C2''** as it enters the screen.| |**''B3''** ''= [[deceleration|]];'' |Deceleration rate of the road locomotive as it comes to a stop.| |**''T3''** ''= [[waittime|]];'' |Duration of time and animations called (if any) between the couple up of the road locomotive to the train and the departure of the train.| |**''A4''** ''= [[acceleration|]];'' |Acceleration rate of the road locomotive and the coupled train **''C''** **,** **''C2''**.| |**''V4''** ''= [[geschwindigkeit|]];'' |Top speed  of the road locomotive and train **''C''** **,** **''C2''**.| |**''TE''** ''= [[waittime|]];'' |Waiting time and actions after the train has left the screen.| |**''W''** ''= [[row|]];'' |Simple roadbed which appears under (or in the case of catenary, also above) the train.| |**''BG''** ''= [[fgbg|]];'' |Background picture(s) shown behind the moving train.| |**''FG''** ''= [[fgbg|]];'' |Foreground picture(s) shown before the moving train.| |**''WP''** ''= [[ponilist|]];'' |Waypoint(s) which determine points along the roadbed which, when passed by the train, actions can be triggered.| |**''TX =''** ''[[linetext|]]'' **'';''** |Descriptive text under the track.| |**''TXX =''** ''[[place|]]'' **'';''** |Horizontal position of the descriptive text.| |**''TXY =''** ''[[integer|]]'' **'';''** |Vertical position of the descriptive text.| |**''TXC =''** ''[[color|]]'' **'';''** |Character colour of the descriptive text.| |**''TXB =''** ''[[color|]]'' **'';''** |Background colour of the descriptive text.|