**''[RA:''** //''Parameters''// **'']''**\\ **''[R: ]''**\\ **''[RANDOM_ANIMATION: ]''** //''Parameters:''// **''A =''** ''[[selanimtostart|]]'' **'';''** **''ANIM = ;''** **''ACTION = ;''** **''P =''** ''[[real|]]'' **'';''** **''PROBABILITY = ;''** **''RANDOM = ;''** **''D =''** ''[[real|]]'' **'';''** **''DELAY = ;''** There is a possibility to start animation actions randomly. This means two different effects simultaneously: not all of the animations having defined the '''' will be started, and the animation starts will be delayed for each animation by a random period. You can model with this effect a train with semi-automatic or individual controlled doors: the doors will be opened by the travellers in random sequence and random disperse. This random action looks like a modifier: is enclosed in square brackets. The parameters are accessed by name. You should write the whole expression - including the square brackets - among the "normal" actions into the ''[[waittime|]]'' of one of the **''Tx=;''** parameters of a movement. The ''[[selanimtostart|]]'' parameter can delimit the scope of the action to a train, vehicle or individual animation as in the simple case (to delimit the scope to a single animation has small sense in this case). Usually you won't delimit it at all, or only to a train - it is the task of this random start to select, which animations will run, and which not. The **''PROBABILITY=;''** parameter controls the selection of the animations. Each animation will be run with the same probability given here. If the number given is greater then 1, all the selected animations will run, a probability of 0 selects none of them - a value between 0 and 1 means a real random decision. The **''DELAY=;''** parameter controls the maximum delay time from invoking this random animation until the last individual animation can be started. For each animation a separate delay time will be selected between 0 and the given parameter.