**Keyboard Shortcuts for Finding and Renaming Pictures:** **Find:** * Invoking the find function brings up a dialogue box and the search term is entered into a dialogue box. * Pattern matching by wildcards is available: **''*''** means a sequence of characters,   **''?''**  means one single character. * The full name of the picture must match the search term. This means that the search term M_B, for example, will only bring up the picture M_B, but not any other variants of it such as M_B1, M_BAX, etc. If one wants to find all of these other similar items, one should search with a wildcard before the term: M_B*. * The find function jumps from the currently selected picture to the first picture that matches the search criteria.  If there is only one vehicle that meets the search criteria, the next search will return back to this same picture in any subsequent searches for the same name.  If there are no matching pictures, the currently highlighted picture will remain highlighted and the program will respond with a beep. For further searches: F3 repeats the last search, regardless of what was last searched for (Name, Type, Way, Author etc.). |Cf |Finds a picture according to its name: The function jumps to the first picture that meets the search criteria.| | § |F3 searches again with the same search criteria.  The search goes forwards (from top to bottom) and at the end of the Stock List the search begins again from the top of the Stock List. | **Rename:** When renaming, each selected picture must be renamed via a dialogue box and must be given a full name, including any version suffixes.  If a name is input that is already in use by another picture, the program will not accept the new name and will return to the dialogue box.  All of functions below, which affect picture names, change the picture name but not the version part, with the exception of CTRL+V, which is designed specifically to change the version name. |Cr |Rename all selected pictures | |Cl |Cut the last character of the selected picture(s)' name| |Cm |Cut the last part of the name of the selected picture(s).  Picture parts are separated by underscore characters '_'.| | l |The selected picture is the left side of a vehicle that is immediately below it.  The name is changed to that of the picture immediately beneath it by adding an L  (to denote Left side) to the end of its name.  If the picture below, ends with **''RE, _RE, _R, R, _AS, _GS, _A''** or **''_G''** but begins the same as the selected picture, then this ending will be removed from the second picture as well and the new name will have an L appended to it.  Both picture names must possess the same or no version identifier.| |Bl |Similar to  l  (rename to  "Left Side"), with the exception that the parts of the name which differ between the names of the two pictures are removed leaving only the parts which the two have in common (and renaming the selected picture with an L suffix).  This occurs without reference to any of the suffixes listed above.| |C§ |Exchanges the selected picture with the picture immediately below it; however, the names stay in the same place.  In essence, the names of the two pictures stay in the same place in the Stock List, but the pictures belonging to them move. This command only will function when the pictures have identical version suffixes (if any) and the first and second picture names are identical with each other save for an L character at the end of one.  The idea behind this function is to deal with a misnamed left-right pair. | |Cj |Rotates the names of all selected pictures so that the last part of the name becomes the first.  The underscore character '_' must separate the parts of the name from each other.  The version suffix remains unchanged. | |Cn |"Auto Rename": the names of selected pictures are renamed if they contain illegal characters in their names.  The program can only accept picture names that contain numbers, letters and the underscore character.  Umlauts are automatically converted to two letter combinations.  The underscore character replaces all other characters.| |BCm |The phase pictures of all selected pictures are renamed so that their correspond to MM&MM naming conventions: pictures of roofs with right pantographs raised receive the suffix _SAR and phase pictures are given the suffixes _0, _1, _2  ... However, any difference in sequence is not reflected in this renaming. The phase pictures are always renamed so that the sequence depicts travel from left to right. | | " |Renames the selected picture to the name of the picture which appears immediately above it.  Naturally the version suffixes must be different between the two pictures or the renaming would create duplicates. If the version suffixes are identical or not present the program will ask the user what name the file should be given.| | $ |Renames the selected picture to the name of the picture which appears immediately below it.  Naturally the version suffixes must be different between the two pictures or the renaming would create duplicates. If the version suffixes are identical or not present the program will ask the user what name the file should be given.| |C" |Renames two pictures (the selected as well as the picture which appears immediately below it) as a left-right pair using the name of the upper picture.  The pictures must already be a left-right pair, have the same version suffix and same name with the top picture possessing the L suffix. | |C$ |Renames two pictures (the selected as well as the picture which appears immediately above it) as a left-right pair using the name of the bottom picture.  The pictures must already be a left-right pair, have the same version suffix and same name with the top picture possessing the L suffix. If the second picture is the left part of the pair, then the name of the second picture is used as the base name for the picture pair.| |Cv |Changes the version name for all selected pictures.  The new version name is input in a dialogue box.| |Bv |Rename the version suffix of all selected files to the current version suffix.  The default for the version suffix can be input via a menu command or is set by changing the author for added pictures option to the version of the first picture that is from that author and possesses a version suffix.| Continue: [[stltastother|Other Shortcut Keys]]