In the following description of the syntax elements, the text between the **''<''** and **''>''** signs is the parameter for the modification of the Timetable command(s). These parameters are as follows:\\ |**''[[numerus|<#>]]''** |- switch to denote mirroring or other variation in the parameter| |**''[[acceleration|]]''** || **''[[animationrules|]]''** **''[[boolean|]]''** **''[[color|]]''** **''[[deceleration|]]''** **''[[direction|]]''** |**''[[fgbg|]]''** |- Foreground or background picture| **''[[filename|]]''** |**''[[hex|]]''** |- Hexadecimal character| **''[[integer|]]''** **''[[language|]]''** **''[[name|]]''** |**''[[newcolor|]]''** |- Two colours| |**''[[optcmdlst|]]''** || **''[[paramstoadd|]]''** **''[[picturename|]]''** **''[[place|]]''** **''[[point|]]''** **''[[ponilist|]]''** **''[[real|]]''** **''[[row|]]''** |**''[[simple|]]''** |- Simple integer number| **''[[geschwindigkeit|]]''** **''[[text|]]''** **''[[train|]]''** **''[[zugliste|]]''** |**''[[wh|, ]]''** |- Width, Height| **''[[waittime|]]''** |**''[[xy|, ]]''** |- Position, X and Y coordinates|