**''WR =''** '''' **'';''** - the pathway in the case it should be a rail\\ \\ **''WE =''** '''' **'';''** - the pathway in the case it should be a rail and a catenary\\ \\ **''WA =''** '''' **'';''** - the pathway in the case it should be a street\\ \\ **''WT =''** '''' **'';''** - the pathway in the case it should be a tram path = street and catenary\\ \\ **''WM =''** '''' **'';''** - the pathway in the case it should be third rail\\ '' == '' || '' | '' '' == [[row|]]'' || ''[[paramstoadd|]]'' The parameters - which will be inherited in the segmentation hierarchy - can change the pathway Traffic shows. The value of this parameter can be the "traditional" ''[[row|]]'' element - the one or two character abbreviation of the pathway - , or it can be a set of additional parameters ( usually ''[BG= ]'' and ''[FG= ]'' elements ), which will be added to their corresponding parameters in the case the train needs that type of pathway they define. The selection of the pathway has the following steps: * If the movement has an own (or inherited) W= ; parameter, the value of that parameter determines, which pathway will be shown (or, in case of the X value none of them). * If one (or more) of the vehicles has a [#W: ] modifier in its macro, the value of this modifier will be used. * The type of the needed pathway - a separate attribute in the stock list file - will be checked. It is tracked during the train generation, and a compatible track type is selected (for example, an electric engine having the way code E and the coaches having the way code R result in the way code E, but an electric engine for catenary - E - and an other needing third rail - M - result only in a single rail - R). * The value of the corresponding   ''Wx= ;'' parameter's value (either specified at the command, or inherited in the segmentation hierarchy) is consulted. As the segmentation hierarchy inherits the values from the global ''$Wx'' commands or from the ''[[way|$WAY]]'' command, and this commands have also overall defaults, when everything in this chain is missing, Traffic shows logical pathways from the built-in set - see the set described at the ''[[row|]]'' syntactical element. If an explicit value is given on the way described above, then * it can be the code of a built-in pathway, that that pathway is shown * it can be a set of additional parameters, each enclosed in brackets - even selections, repetitions and macro invocations of such elements (see the ''[[paramstoadd|]]'' syntax elemnt), in that case the parameters remaining on the end of the selections will be added - the pathway will be generated usually by ''[BG= ]'' and ''[FG= ]'' parameters, using explicit pictures.