One can apply as many modifiers to a picture as is desired or necessary;  the picture, however, usually can only expand in a vertical direction (the only exceptions are the [CL: ] and [CR: ] modifiers).  It can become higher, for example, with the addition of a load.

The coordinate system counts from the lower left corner of the picture and begins with the value 0.  The coordinates and size are integers and equal a pixel.
The commands take the form:

[ <Condition> <CommandCode> : <Parameter> , <Parameter> … ]

A possible condition can be the direction of travel:

The < symbol means left and the > sign means right.

One can create other conditions by placing an exclamation mark !  behind a picture name:

[ <Criteria> ! <CommandCode>: <Parameter> … ]

The criteria <Criteria> is met when the expanded vehicle macro contains an element in the form [! <Criteria> ].

Some criteria names are reserved in the Stock List.  At present, no functions use these names explicitly but some commands in the window of the Macro Editor/ Graphic Testpad refer to these names:

[!L]   Left the left (other) vehicle side
[!C]   Cold a steam locomotive without smoke
[!E]   Empty a freight car without load

It is recommended that you not base your own criteria on these three same codes, as future versions of traffic will implement functions based upon them (the criteria L and C are already being developed).

If a vehicle is composed of phase pictures, modification commands can be input after each individual phase or after the entire picture.  Input after each phase means that the modification command appears after each +.<Integer> or +/<Integer> Parameter, or when the distance for the next phase is not specified, after a single + sign.

Please note, when modifications [… ] are placed immediately after the last phase picture without a + sign in between, then they apply only to the last phase picture, and not the entire picture.

Modification commands preceded by a # sign set the default value for them and, in general, apply to the entire train.  These values can be nullified by parameters set in the Movement commands in the Timetable file.  If there is more than one vehicle with such modifications, the last command takes precedence (in order of its appearance in the Timetable file – not in the direction of the train's travel).  These types of modification commands are generally only used with locomotives and other motorized vehicles in the Stock List.  They determine the default behaviors for the vehicle:

[#A: ]  - Acceleration

[#B: ]  - Deceleration

[#V: ]  - Speed

[#W: ]  - Right of Way / Roadbed

[A: ]   - Animation

[ANIM: ]

[AO: ]

[AT: ]

[ABC: ] - Characters

[B: ]   - Block fill

[BT: ]  - Block Transparent

[C: ]   - Colour

[CB: ]  - Couple Base

[CL: ]  - Couple Left

[CR: ]  - Couple Right

[CP:]   - CoPy

[D: ]   - Define

[DA: ]  - Door Animation

[DB: ]  - Define Behind

[DID: ] - Door Inside Double

[DIL: ] - Door Inside Left

[DIR: ] - Door Inside Right

[DOD: ] - Door Outside Double

[DOL: ] - Door Outside Left

[DOR: ] - Door Outside Right

[DT: ]  - Definition Transparent

[E: ]   - Electric

[EC: ]

[ED: ]  - Electric Down

[EM: ]  - Electric Mirror

[EMC: ]

[EMX: ]

[ET: ]

[EU: ]  - Electric Up

[EX: ]  - Electric eXchange

[F: ]   - Flood fill

[FL: ]

[L: ]   - Label

[M: ]   - Mirror

[MP: ]  - Mirror Part

[MX: ]  - Mirror eXchange

[MX1: ]

[N: ]   - Neighbour

[NAME: ] - Name

[NC: ]  - Neighbor connection Clear

[NCL: ] - Neighbor connection Clear Left

[NCR: ] - Neighbor connection Clear Right

[NL: ]  - Neighbor Left

[NM: ]

[NR: ]  - Neighbor Right

[NT: ]  - Neighbour Type

[NTL: ]

[NTR: ]

[O: ]   - Overlay

[OB: ]  - Overlay Behind

[OT: ]  - Overlay Transparent

[P: ]   - Point

[PB: ]  - Point Behind

[PT: ]  - Point Transparent

[R: ]   - Reverse

[T: ]   - Text

[TL: ]  - Transparent neighbor Left

[TN: ]  - Transparent Neighbors

[TR: ]  - Transparent neighbor Right

[TT: ]  - Transparent neighbor Type