The trains C1 and C2 arrive together from direction D at a speed of V and they will be decoupled while running.

This movement makes no special provision for the side variation animations - the train sides remain unchanged at decoupling.

TB = <WaitTime>; Waiting time and actions before the train enters the screen.
C1 = <Train>; The first train component.
C2 = <Train>; The second train component.
D = <Direction>; Direction from which the combined train C1,C2 arrives.
V = <Speed>; Speed at which the combined train enters the screen.
P = <Place>; Decoupling point. Denoting the middle of the unit refers to the contact point between C1 and C2.
A1 = <Acceleration>; Acceleration rate of the first train unit C1.
V1 = <Speed>; Speed which the first train will reach.
B2 = <Deceleration>; Deceleration rate of the second train C2.
V2 = <Speed>; Speed which the second train will reach.
TE = <WaitTime>; Waiting time and actions after the train has left the screen.
W = <Row>; Simple roadbed which appears under (or in the case of catenary, also above) the train.
BG = <FgBg>; Background picture(s) shown behind the moving train.
FG = <FgBg>; Foreground picture(s) shown before the moving train.
WP = <PointList>; Waypoint(s) which determine points along the roadbed which, when passed by the train, actions can be triggered.
TX = <LineText> ; Descriptive text under the track.
TXX = <Place> ; Horizontal position of the descriptive text.
TXY = <Integer> ; Vertical position of the descriptive text.
TXC = <Color> ; Character colour of the descriptive text.
TXB = <Color> ; Background colour of the descriptive text.