
The first train C1 arrives on the screen and comes to a halt.  Then a second train C2 arrives and couples to the first train.  The trains then depart together as a single unit.

TB = <WaitTime>; Waiting time and actions before the train enters the screen.
C1 = <Train>; Vehicles comprising the first train.
D1 = <Direction>; Direction which the first train arrives from.
V1 = <Speed>; Speed of the first train when it enters the screen.
B1 = <Deceleration>; Deceleration rate of the first train before stopping.
P = <Place>; Stopping point of trains C1, C2. If the middle format of the <Place> parameter is used, it means the coupling point of the combined train C1, C2.
T1 = <WaitTime>; Duration of time and animations called (if any) between the halt of the first train and the arrival of the second train.
C2 = <Train>; Vehicles comprising the second train.
D2 = <Direction>; Direction which the second train arrives from.
V2 = <Speed>; Speed of the second train at entering the screen.
B2 = <Deceleration>; Deceleration rate of the second train before stopping.
T2C = <WaitTime> ; Duration of time and animations started (if any) from C2 stops a small distance before C1 until it moves to C1. If C1 and C2 have animated side variations of type C (Coupling),   in their uncoupled state at the end of this time, they will run through to their coupled state.
T2 = <WaitTime>; Duration of time and animations started (if any) from the final approach of C2 to C1 until the newly formed train starts. If there are animated side variation of any type at the end of this time in their uncoupled state, they will run through to their coupled state.
D = <Direction>; Direction in which the coupled train leaves the screen.
A = <Acceleration>; Acceleration rate of the coupled train.
V = <Speed>; Maximum speed the coupled train will attain.
TE = <WaitTime>; Waiting time and actions after the train has left the screen.
W = <Row>; Simple roadbed which appears under (or in the case of catenary, also above) the train.
BG = <FgBg>; Background picture(s) shown behind the moving train.
FG = <FgBg>; Foreground picture(s) shown before the moving train.
WP = <PointList>; Waypoint(s) which determine points along the roadbed which, when passed by the train, actions can be triggered.
TX = <LineText> ; Descriptive text under the track.
TXX = <Place> ; Horizontal position of the descriptive text.
TXY = <Integer> ; Vertical position of the descriptive text.
TXC = <Color> ; Character colour of the descriptive text.
TXB = <Color> ; Background colour of the descriptive text.