[NC: <Type>,<W>,<H>,<Y> ]
[NCL: <Type>,<W>,<H>,<Y> ]
[NCR: <Type>,<W>,<H>,<Y> ]

Neighbor connection Clear, Neighbor connection Clear Left, Neighbor connection Clear Right

Modification of the end of a vehicle based on its neighboring vehicles.

If the neighbor is not of the type <Type> a rectangle of the width <W>, height <H> and base height   <Y> (always at the end of the vehicle – ergo no X coordinate) is erased: the rectangle is filled with the background colour if the original picture is not transparent.  If the picture has transparency, then the area is filled with transparent pixels.  <Type> will be added to the neighbor type of the vehicle on the side(s) this command acts.

The command [NC: ] works on both sides of the vehicle, the command [NCL ] only on the left hand side and the command   [NCR ] only on the right hand side.