At the bottom of the Stock List there is a Status Bar built into the lower frame of the window. This Status Bar displays what properties a picture has, or which will be assigned when it is added to the Stock List.  It can be turned off or the content can be selected in the View → Status Bar menu.

If the “Added Picture Properties” status bar is shown:

a right click in one of the Status Bar fields brings up a selection dialogue box and a new default can be selected.  When the mouse is hovered over one of the fields the default value will appear after a second or two in a call out menu.

A left click in one of the Status Bar fields changes the value of the field to the next in the sequence and thereby changes the default.

The fields from left to right are:

The parameters here correspond to those set by the Stock List's Attributes menu items.

If the properties of the pictures are shown:

the status bar shows the properties of the picture under the mouse cursor, or which was last time under the mouse cursor, when the mouse is not above any pictures.

The fields from left to right are:

You do not need to remember the meaning of all the fields - stopping the mouse cursor above the fields Traffic diplays the property in a longer form in a tool tip window.