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Goldene Bahnschranke
Die "Goldene Bahnschranke" des Monats März 2024 hat erhalten:
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"Goldene Bahnschranke"
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Max. Onlinerekord: 56
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Besucher Gesamt: 1362812

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Übersicht | Kategorien | Neue Downloads | Suchen | Goldene BahnschrankeÜber...

Copyright | TODO
* core.php: function get_downloads: add: case more, for free using WHERE
* common.php: add: function show_status
* common.php: removed: function pdp_tabs, (was only for FF)
* common.php: removed: function pdp_open_tab, (was only for FF)
* common.php: removed: function pdp_close_tab, (was only for FF)
* remove switching fusion-versions, this version is only for COMBRIX
* remove dl_image, is from older versions, using only image_url etc. from table pdp_images
* core.php, common.php: Path definition / folder name for possible deviation from the specification: "pro_download_panel"
* edit_admin.php rename to edit_mod.php and move back into maindir
* create dir: info and move info-files into this (todo, changelog, install, copyright, thanks, gpl, readme)
* different little changes

* deprecated mysql commands changed to mysqli
* deprecated html style tags changed in CSS
* various adjustments for COMBRIX
* admin/settings.php, ff/infusion.php, ff/db_update.php, table pdp_settings: add settings for: show_lizense, show_ftp, show_url, comments_per_page, thumb_max_w, thumb_max_h
* add the new theme tt4u in themes, this is recommended
* fix several bugs
* diverse optical beautifications
* did.php: asc - desc switching of comments completed
* did.php: mod makepagenav, add anchor, must mod /includes/theme_functions_include.php (copy from directory additionals)
* core.php, admin/settings.php, locale: settings['download_restricted'] - leave blank inputfield if text from locale should be used
* edit_pics, admin/settings.php, table pdp_settings: thumbnails as preview for screenshots
* edit_pics: if no image available show image noimg.gif (copy this from directory additionals into directory ../../images)
* edit_admin.php move into dir admin/
* admin/edit_admin.php: set_dir_files commented out, change uploaddir after create download ist real nonsense (?), then you would have to move the download ...
* all locale files unified, a little edited, but its a lot to do ...
* locale Spanish added, translated by Google
* include/admin.php removed, functions moved into include/common.php
* rewriteurl.php removed (file empty), include/themes.php removed (not used)
* admin/cats, admin/lizenses: add really delete demand
* and much more ...

2009-??-?? Artur Wiebe
* downloads.php: Added basic TITLE support. Fixed a bug in page navigation.
* infusion_db.php: Added file for v7 compatibility.
* search.php: Fixed a typo.
* themes/wibix/theme.php: Respect download is restricted state.
* themes/old/theme.php: Respect download is restricted state.
* edit_desc.php: Fixed a bug that prevented categories from being updated when download changed the category.
* pro_download_panel.php: Added bullet to the downloads.
* locale/*_edit.php: Removed.
* ff/db_update.php: Small bug fixes.
* edit_pics.php: Respect maximum images per download setting.
* include/ Adding a new comment updated download's \"modified\" timestamp - fixed.
* did.php: Fixed a typo.
* admin/del_download.php: Fixed type causing a parsing error.

2008-12-07 Artur Wiebe
* 1.8.5 released.
* FEATURES: v7 bbcode/smileys added. More compliant with PHP-Fusion: tables, no image borders). Not every change to a download made by an
admin put the download to offline. Many other fixes.
* edit_files.php: Fixed a design bug.
* profile.php, admin/settings.php: Added an access option.

2008-10-18 Artur Wiebe
* Moved the update script to be accessed throu PHP Fusion's Admin Area.
* Download status doesnt change to OFFLINE if changed by Admin/Mod.
* did.php: Added pagination to comments.

2008-06-04 Artur Wiebe
* New Features: A distinct sub-directory can be set per download.
* image.php: Fixed a redirection bug.
* locale/Turkish.php, locale/Turkish_edit.php: Turkish translation added.

2008-01-13 Artur Wiebe
* did.php: Error message on wrong captcha.
* edit_files.php: FTP supports sub-directories.
* search.php: Added an option to search for users.
* edit_misc.php, admin/misc.php: Visitors counter can be reseted.
* admin/cats.php: Added Download-Group to categories.
* download.php: Categories can be sorted by creation time.
* download.php: Fixed bug in function pdp_count_dl (reported by
* include/ Fixed bug when download owner receives two emails when a comment is posted.

2007-07-25 Artur Wiebe
* downloads.php: Fixed a bug when specifying an invalid category.
* admin/import.php: Categories download counters are updated correctly.

2007-07-01 Artur Wiebe
* Added moderator group.
* Screenshots can be scaled while uploading.
* Members can subscribe to downloads to be notified when something changes.
* Admin can limit number of screenshots for each download.
* include/theme_funcs.php, themes/wibix/theme.php: URLs are truncated to 40 chars.
* admin/downloads.php: Shows download status.
* admin/settings: Rewrote to be more descriptive.
* admin/import.php: Rewrote

2007-04-05 Artur Wiebe
* Version 1.7.3 Released
* Removed JavaScript where possible.
* Added theme support.
* After a user finished editing a download he informs an admin about this.
* Splitted description into an abstract and details.
* file.php: Using PHP-Fusion's download class.
* edit_*.php: Fixed bug that made is impossible to submit a new download when option \"users can edit their downloads\" was off.
* download.php: Rewrote to be more customizable. When no category is specified all downloads are displayed. Download description can be
splitted into two parts only the first be shown in the category overview.
* admin/import.php: Fixed to use pdp_files table instead of old fields in the pdp_downloads table.
* admin/settings.php: Added two new settings: Mark downloads for x days as NEW and define who can report broken downloads.
* search.php: Using render funktion to display search results.
* admin/cats.php: Added cat_upload_access field to interface. Fixed
bug displaying cats in wrong order. Added cat_order to be able to sort cats.
* broken.php: Added captcha.
* edit_files.php: Do not show upload field when no extentions specified.
* edit_pics.php: Do not show upload field when no extentions specified. Show a warning message. Multiple screenshots per download.
* admin/db_update.php: Moved to include/db_update.php.
* edit_del.php: Removed.

2006-08-08 Artur Wiebe
* include/edit.php: Fixed wrong return errno of pdp_upload_file.

2006-08-03 Artur Wiebe
* Version 1.6.3 Released
* did.php: Users can delete their vote.
* edit_pics.php: New file. Admin for screenshots.
* admin/import.php: New file. Imports standard PHP-Fusion downloads
into professional download system.
* admin/settings.php: New option: do now report broken downloads after
this has happened some times. Moved broken-download-text into settings.
* profile.php: New file that lists user's downloads.
* search.php: New file. Moved search stuff from downloads.php to this file.
* edit_files.php: Rewrote.
* admin/del_download.php: New file.
* edit_admin.php: New file. Show all changes made to download and more.

2006-05-15 Artur Wiebe
* Version 1.4.7 Released
* edit_desc.php: Show only cats that can be accessed.
* admin/settings.php: Added paths for downloads and images to common settings. Modified GUI.
* file.php: Some optimazations. Added check for group access. Added a
function to be able to download big files.
* pro_download_panel.php: Do not show downloads that are restricted or inactive.
* admin/cats.php: Removed obsolete code. Added "access" column to table.
* edit_files.php: [file_id] is stripped from filename. Filesize is
added it not specified by the user. Fixed a bug with wrong max file
size of uploads. One file can be selected the be the primary download.
New file becomes primary download.
* common.php: upload_file() removes problematic chars from filename.

2006-05-01 Artur Wiebe
* Version 1.4.6 Released
* New Features: User that creates a download can be autorized to edit
this download. Several files per download are now possible. Added access control to categories.
* download.php, admin/cats.php: Added access stuff to cats.
* defekt.php: Broken Download submission have to be asserted by the user. IP is logged.
* edit_desc.php: User can edit download description.
* edit_files.php: Extensions like .tar.gz are possible.
* did.php: Modified JavaScript to better support outdated IE. Admin
can view inactive downloads. pollbar.gif is not used anylonger. css
class poll is used instead. Fixed a bug that resulted in wrong percentage numbers.
* download.php: Added an option to show only downloads that one uploaded.
* admin/settings.php: Little GUI modifications. Only users that can
edit downloads are shown in settings for PMs.

2006-02-20 Artur Wiebe
* upload2.php, admin/downloads.php: $link_extern Bug Fix.
* *.php: Neu-Organisation der Dateien. Felder Homepage und Version hinzugefuegt. Option zum Abschalten der Downloadbeschreibung in der Kategorienuebersicht.
* did.php: Download-Bearbeiten und Kommentare-Managen Links in der Download-Ansicht.
* admin/*.php: Einheitliche Ansicht der Verwaltung. Seitenpanel zur Navigation.

2006-01-30 Artur Wiebe
* *.php: BB-Code und Smileys koennen benutzt werden.
* did.php: IP Adresse wird mit Kommentaren gespeichert.
* admin/download.php: Downloads koennen nun aktualisiert werden. Downloadzaehler bleibt erhalten. Das Datum kann aktualisiert werden.
* admin/kategorien.php, kategorien.php: Kategoriensortierung hinzugefuegt. Es werden jetzt pro Seite nur eine bestimmte Anzahl an
Datensaetzen angezeigt. Die Anzahl laesst sich natuerlich einstellen.
* admin/*.php: Loeschen muss bestaetigt werden. Kann verweigert werden, wenn Abhaengigkeiten bestehen. Beim Loeschen eines Downloads werden die
Kommentare und Votes geloescht.

2006-01-26 Artur Wiebe
* upload.php: JavaScript Bug, der den Upload verweigert, beseitigt.
* download.php: Suchen-Maske hinzugefuegt.

2006-01-25 Artur Wiebe
* Release: Version 1.2a.
* upload.php: JavaScript ueberprueft die Eingabe vor dem Senden.
* did.php: Voten: Die Kategorie mit den meisten Votes ist 100%. Die anderen entsprechend. Man sieht nun auch das Ergebnis, selbst wenn man noch nicht gewaehlt hat.
* file.php: Falls die Lizenz nicht akzeptiert werden muss, wird gleich der Download gestartet.
* admin/adminpage.php: FTP: Dateiname und Bilder koennen beim Bearbeiten veraendert werden. Es brauchen keine Bilder gewaehlt zu werden.
* index.php, admin/index.php: Weiterleitung zu download.php, downloads.php.
* did.php: Zeigt den Download mit Bewertungen und Kommentaren an. Angemeldete Benutzer koennen ihren Namen nicht aendern, wird automatisch eingefuegt und die user_id gespeichert.
* infusions.php: Link ins Navigationsmenue. Anpassung der Feldtypen:
prodownloads_kommentare: (NEUES FELD)
user_id: smallint(5) unsigned;
neupm: smallint(5) unsigned
defektpm: smallint(5) unsigned
downbereich: tinyint(3) unsigned
uploadbereich: tinyint(3) unsigned
uploadsaktivieren: tinyint(3) unsigned
kommentare: tinyint(3) unsigned
bewertungen: tinyint(3) unsigned
* locale/: Ersetzt defines durch $locale[]. Ergaenzende uebersetzungen fehlenden Textes ins Englische.
* *.php: Benutze zur Datumsausgabe Fusions showdate().
* admin/donwloads.php: Ich habe das Loeschen von Dateien (Uploads und Bilder) zur Zeit deaktiviert. Man muesste dort noch ein paar Abfragen und Fehlermeldungen einbauen.
* admin/*.php: Geaendert checkRights(S) zu checkRights(IP).
* admin/kategorien.php: Nur Kategorien ohne Downloads und ohne Unterkategorien koennen geloescht werden.

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bullet HvdWant offline
01.04.2024 - 13:09
Auch im März wieder viele neue Zeichnungen. Aber jetzt ist Schluss (vorerst)
bullet HvdWant offline
29.02.2024 - 20:36
Auch im Februar mehr als 50 neue Zeichnungen. Jetzt mal anschauen.
bullet HvdWant offline
01.02.2024 - 20:37
Allein im Januar schon mehr als 50 neue Zeichnungen. Du solltest es mal anschauen, oder?
bullet Staedteexpressfahrer offline
01.01.2024 - 22:23
Prosit Neujahr und alles Gute für 2024 !!
bullet Till Mandt offline
18.11.2023 - 21:02
Halloooo-hoo! Ich dachte, ich mach' mal wieder was Neues!
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