In the lower right hand corner of the Graphic Testpad are several yellow fields.  These are special Drag & Drop fields to ease in creating modification commands. All of the fields are used for creating various types of neighbour modifications.  That is, to aid in the creation of modification commands that change the appearance of a vehicle when it is coupled to others.

There are several groups of modification commands that affect a vehicle based on whether it is coupled to the left, right or on both sides.  Specifically, these fall into the following groups:

[N: ] , [NL: ], [NR: ] , [NT: ],

[NC: ], [NCL: ], [NCR: ] and

[TL: ], [TN: ], [TR: ], [TT: ].

When the Drag & Drop fields are used, the default command that is created is [N: …], however, it is possible to manually change the created macro to suit by altering the command line statements by hand.   According to the text appearing on each field, an [N: …] command is created with that text as its neighbour type.

When a picture <PictureName> is dragged to the B field, then the modification command [N:B,< PictureName >], is created.  If it is dragged to the #B field,   [N:#B, <PictureName> ], is created, and so on. Naturally, it is also possible to use other neighbour types than B, K and P.

The Command Line is also a Drag & Drop field.  Any element dragged from the Stock List and dropped to the Command Line appears (that is, its name appears) at the position the cursor was last in.

As stated in the Vehicle Display,  the picture areas are also Drag & Drop fields: A drawing or part can be dragged from the Stock List to the appropriate place on the vehicle in the Graphic Testpad and the program creates the appropriate [O: …] command in the Command Line.

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